The Alps, blanketed in deep snow, seem to be in a slumber, yet beneath this calm surface lie many secrets. The snow in the Alps is like a book; by carefully reading it, you can discover many wonders. Animals must adapt to harsh weather conditions, leaving tracks in the snow or grass as they venture out to forage. These tracks can lead us to their nests. Observing these creatures in the wild helps us understand and protect them better.
Let me take you into the Alps, revealing the secrets of the small animals living on Mont Blanc as we descend from high to low altitudes.

La Martre

The ermine, with its adorable snow-white fur, is a nocturnal creature that sleeps deeply during the day and emerges at night to hunt. Gentle in temperament yet agile in movement, it enjoys playing and is adept at climbing trees.

On the snow-covered grasslands of winter, sparse footprints confirm its presence. A winding path leads us to a tree hollow, reminiscent of a troubadour's nightly pilgrimage. Its footprints in the snow are not very distinct, as its furry soles are adapted to withstand the cold.

Most of the ermine's life is spent off the ground; occasionally passing beneath trees, squirrels are among its favorite prey. When not hunting, it nests in tree hollows ranging from 2 to 20 meters high.

The stoat, also pure white in fur, is smaller than the ermine.
It is a mischievous creature of winter, active around the clock, adept at catching field mice underground. In winter, it resides in ruins, constructing its den with pebbles and broken wood, knowing that a feast awaits nearby.

The field mice are also busy searching for their winter food — tree leaves and dry fruits, which they store inside hollow tree trunks or under woodpiles. This becomes the perfect "kitchen" for the stoat. When the stoat spots a reddish-brown field mouse at the entrance of a small hole under an old tree stump, it can enjoy a hearty meal.

L'Écureuil roux

Observing these adorable and agile mammals is always a delightful feast for the eyes. Red squirrels awaken from hibernation several times during winter to forage, so their appearances are not uncommon.

Our hiking trail passes through the active paths of squirrels, where we can see these agile creatures leaping between trees, ultimately pausing on tree trunks or in clearings within the forest.

Le Cerf

Legend of the Alps: Passing through the forest, standing beside a tree trunk, let all senses relax, listen to the sounds of the forest, inhale the scent of the trees, and enjoy the communion with nature. In this way, perhaps a wandering deer will pass by, unaware of your seamless integration with nature.

Le Chamois

During our trek around Mont Blanc, as we weave through the coniferous forests and traverse the winding trails, you'll encounter the extreme athletes of the forest - the ibex.

The ibex primarily inhabit the European Alps and Pyrenees mountains, adept at climbing rugged terrain and effortlessly navigating steep cliffs with their agility and keen awareness.

Lepus timidus

fter heavy snowfall in winter, you may spot traces of the snowshoe hare. It's timid and gentle in nature, known for digging burrows over a meter deep and creating intricate pathways across the snow-covered ground. Its movements are irregular, making it very difficult to capture.

Due to lighting conditions, the snowshoe hare exhibits significant differences in fur color between winter and summer seasons.
In winter, its fur is long, dense, and completely snow-white, thick and soft. In summer, the coat is lighter with a chestnut-brown color and interspersed with black-tipped hairs.

Le Chocard à bec jaune

The Alpine chough inhabits steep cliff faces, foraging in alpine meadows and grasslands. It measures around 38 centimeters in length, characterized by a slender, downward-curved yellow bill and red legs.

These birds are also talented singers, emitting sweet, flowing calls and melodic whistles while feeding, creating serene chirping sounds. They call to each other, their beautiful songs echoing through the valleys.
Join us on a hike around Mont Blanc to enjoy the enchanting melodies of the Alpine chough.

Le Tétras

The capercaillie typically inhabits mountainous areas at altitudes ranging from 1500 to 2200 meters. They are often found in larger clearings within forests during the morning and evening, while at night they roost mainly in larch trees. During winter, they frequently spend nights in snow burrows on the ground.

La Huppe

The hoopoe bird has an exceptionally unique appearance, with a crown of colorful feathers on its head, a long, slender, pointed bill, and a distinctive pattern of feathers.
In China, the hoopoe symbolizes harmony, happiness, and fulfillment. During a hike around Mont Blanc, one can also witness the beautiful presence of this bird.

La Chevêchette d'Europe

Influenced by coniferous and hardwood forests, the Eurasian pygmy owl is the smallest and most rare among European owls. Its facial expression changes with emotions, and its sharp eyes seem to fixate on something. It constantly scans around, swinging its tail, with slightly ruffled feathers—a sign of its alertness. Perched atop coniferous trees, it quietly observes its prey.

Ecotourism has always been a principle we uphold and promote. Observing wildlife without disturbing their lives or damaging their habitats is one of the enjoyable activities during our hiking journeys.
This experience is vastly different from observing animals in zoos, where they are confined. In the wild, animals exhibit their true, natural behaviors. After witnessing these free-spirited creatures in the Alps, one might find it difficult to support seeing them in captivity.
As stewards of our Earth, it is our responsibility to protect the environment, cherish wildlife, and ensure these beautiful beings can coexist with us on this planet.
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